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Children Thrive Outside - The Benefits of Nature

Nature Makes Kids Happier, Healthier, and Smarter!

Unfortunately, over the past few generations, childhood has moved indoors. On average, today’s kids spend up to 44 hours per week in front of a screen, and less than 10 minutes a day playing outdoors. And for too many kids, regular and safe access to nature is determined by race, income, identity, ability, and postal code.   Source: Children and Nature Network

2022 Year End

What Are The Benefits of Being In Nature?

Health & Wellbeing

Bright sunlight can reduce nearsightedness and increase vitamin D levels.

Access to nature can foster increased physical activity, reduce risk of obesity. and increase the likelihood girls will remain active.

Learning in nature can support improved relationship skills and reduce stress, anger and aggression.

Academic and Social

Spending time in nature improves academic performance, behavior, focus and love of learning.

Time in nature results in better social skills and an increase in self-esteem.

Source: Children and Nature Network

Care For Earth

Meaningful outdoor experiences inspire children to love and care for nature and increase pro-environment behaviors.

Children who regularly spend time in nature develop stronger emotional connections to people and nature.

Spending time in nature can improve health and well-being, academic outcomes, and encourages care for the earth.

Our Outdoor Nature Programs

ECOS Nature Club


Wild Kind Explorers

Career Camp