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Our Impact

Current Results

Impact Report

for Fiscal Year Ending August 2024

We currently serve more than 200 city kids each year in nature discovery and career exploration programming. Our students are making new friends, learning new skills, improving their physical and mental health, exploring growing green careers and having lots of fun! Click below to read our latest program evaluations and informal surveys.

ECOS Nature Club Parent Survey Fall 2023

ECOS Nature Club Student Perspective Fall 2023

Career Camp Pilot Year (2021) Evaluation

Career Camp Summer 2023 Evaluation

Historical Results

Prior to Covid-19, we offered Sustainability and Workforce Readiness programming for high school juniors and seniors.  We are proud of the hundreds of young leaders we worked with, the 16,000 hours of internships we funded, and the innovative retail store we created. 

During this time, our students, staff and volunteers were involved in a number of environmental projects in Kansas City. These included planting projects (adding 4,000 native plants, shrubs and trees in urban KCMO), community education, video PSAs and art projects. Click to read more about this community work.

Read more about these past programs in the sections below.

ECOS Nature Club Registration

    ECOS Nature Club starts on Saturday, March 29 at the Discovery Center and meets from 9:30 to 12:30 every Saturday through May 17. Green Works' Nature Club is funded by the Children's Services Fund of Jackson County. If your child lives outside Jackson County, they will be placed on a waiting list.

    Student name (required):

    Elementary or middle school student attends (required):

    Grade in Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 (required):


    Full home address including city and state (required):

    Home ZIP code (required):

    Parent or guardian name (required):

    Parent or guardian telephone number (required - we will text reminders to this number):

    Parent or guardian email address (required - we will email reminders to this address):

    Additional emergency contact available during class hours (different from Parent/Guardian above):

    Emergency contact name (required):

    Emergency contact telephone number (required):

    Allergy information:

    Other medical or developmental information we should be aware of:

    Demographic Information (required):

    We collect this demographic information solely for reporting purposes. This information does not in any way affect your eligibility for the ECOS program.

    Gender (required):

    FemaleMaleGender NonconformingPrefer not to answer

    Race/ethnicity (required):

    American Indian or Alaska NativeAsianBlack or African AmericanHispanic, Latino, or Spanish OriginMiddle Eastern or North AfricanNative Hawaiian and Other Pacific IslanderWhiteOther/Multiple race, ethnicity, or origin identificationPrefer not to answer

    Attendance (required):

    Please check all the dates you anticipate your child will be able to attend ECOS Nature Club.

    Mar 29Apr 5Apr 12Apr 19Apr 26May 3May 10May 17

    How did you hear about us? Please be as specific as possible including location, social media site, name of individual or organization, etc. (required)

    We are committed to providing high-quality educational and workforce opportunities to motivated young people living in the urban neighborhoods served by the Kansas City Public Schools. Within this target population, we will not discriminate based on economic or social status, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation or physical disability.

    We use the contact and personal information above only to communicate with families and ensure the safety of participants. We use non-identifying information for funder reports.

    While Nature Club is a free program, we do request a $5/student registration fee. You will be directed to the fee payment page after submitting this registration. If the cost of this fee is prohibitive for you, you can bypass the fee payment by closing that window, but you must click Submit below in order to complete your registration before doing so.

    Excelerate Workforce Leadership

    Excelerate was a year-long after school program where students learned and practiced skills including problem solving and communication. They researched careers, created career plans, wrote a resume and developed a LinkedIn profile. They participated in practice interviews and job site visits, and every lesson included sustainability at home and the workplace. Students who completed Excelerate were eligible for paid summer work experiences described below.

    All Excelerate graduates were better prepared for employment, and 100% graduated from high school. Read more in our formal Excelerate program evaluations:

    2018 Evaluation by Dr. Connie Campbell
    2015 Evaluation by Dr. Alexis Petri

    Summer Work Experience

    Students who completed all Excelerate components earned a paid summer work experience aligned with their career goals. Green Works staff arranged the work opportunities and Green Works covered the cost of the student stipends. Over 13 years we funded more than 16,000 hours of paid work experience for our students.

    Watch Shahid at his internship at KCPT.
    Watch Roxana at her internship at at KC Univ. of Med. and Biosciences.
    Watch Jose at his internship at SquareOneStudio.
    Watch Keyaira at her internship with the Missouri Department of Conservation.
    Watch Keylen at his internship at the Kansas City Zoo.
    Read about Brandon’s internship with the Missouri Department of Conservation.
    Listen to our segment on 90.9 The Bridge Give Back Friday.
    Brandon helped the Mo. Dept. of Conservation monitor wildlife populations.
    Jabria worked with the EPA stream monitoring team.
    Keylen enjoyed waiting on customers at Habitat Restore.

    Sustainable Business Interns and Retail Store

    From 2020 – 2023, we involved students and young adult interns in our social enterprise retail store, The Perennial Bee. The young adults  manufactured sustainable products, managed inventory, fulfilled online orders, waited on customers, created window displays and assisted with marketing and signage design. Through this unique opportunity, we provided these young adults with firsthand experience running a small business in a sustainable way while introducing community members to more sustainable choices.

    Read more about our retail store and what our students said about the program and the impact on their thinking.

    “I appreciate that the interns are actively involved in all the decisions for the store. And I love the fact that everything we do is guided by our overarching concern for the environment. I hope to have my own business someday and I have learned so much that will help me!” – Intern