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Summer Internships Matter! Teen Employment Hits Record Lows

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In 2000 39% of African-American teens held a summer job (a dismal statistic). In 2013 this number fell to 19%! Young people who work in their teens end up doing better in a wide range of social and economic indicators including graduating from college at a higher rate. Learn more.

In contrast, 15 of our students had paid summer internships this summer. Thanks to our funders and internship sites, our students spent their summers learning new skills and improving their future education and employment prospects. Internships are life-changing experiences. Thank you for helping us make it happen for our students!

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Non-Discrimination Policy

We are committed to providing high-quality educational and workforce opportunities to motivated young people living in the urban neighborhoods served by the Kansas City Public Schools. Within this target population, we will not discriminate based on economic or social status, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation or physical disability.

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