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“The best time I’ve had all year!” | ECOS Nature Program

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We persevered through yet another year up-ended by Covid. A big thank you to everyone who attended our events and made monetary contributions to our successful summer campaign (watch the KCPT clip). Thanks to you, we raised $20k to expand the ECOS nature program. Continue reading for an update on our progress.

Updates To Our ECOS Nature Program

ECOS was expanded to include Trailwoods Elementary, and more locations are coming soon. We added sustainable skill sessions for high school students, and welcomed the community into our retail store, The Perennial Bee. In December we were featured in The Beacon.

Because of your continued funding, our students made new friends, found joy in nature, explored sustainable business, and supported each other with understanding and encouraging words. Read our year-end newsletter to see the year in pictures. Thank you!

“This class was the best time I have had this whole year during COVID.” Green Works’ ECOS student

To sign up a student for our ECOS program, click here.

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We are committed to providing high-quality educational and workforce opportunities to motivated young people living in the urban neighborhoods served by the Kansas City Public Schools. Within this target population, we will not discriminate based on economic or social status, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation or physical disability.

1 Percent for the Planet